Chicken & Poultry Feed – Ready to Lay Hens
Healthy Chickens Provide Savory Eggs
With quality chicken feed, it’s now easier than ever to start and maintain your own chicken coop. The Feed Store has everything you need in stock to build a thriving poultry population. Enjoy the savory flavor of farm-fresh eggs and free-range chickens raised on the feed of your choice. For small or large farms, or backyard coops, we supply feed in the sizes you need and can handle, as well as all the accessories you require to raise your brood.
- Chicken feed
- Feeders
- Waterers
- Nutritional Supplements
- Incubators
- Automatic egg-turners

Chick Days Has Begun
Poultry Bookings begin in early spring.
Each year, in February we offer a variety of chickens from our supplier, Bonnie’s Chick Hatchery and new this year we have also teamed up with Freys Hatchery. With this new addition we now offer a larger selection of chickens and turkeys as well as Muscovy Ducks.
Check out the price list and order form on the side. If you have any question or need some help picking out the right variety please give us a call, we would be happy to help.
Turkeys and Waterfowl – We also offer Large White Turkeys, White Pekin Ducks, Rouen Ducks, Muscovy Ducks and Embden Geese.
Service Area
We service Harrow, Kingsville, Leamington, Amherstburg, Essex, and other parts of Windsor and Essex County.
Call us at 519-738-2261 or Email us if you need delivery or have any questions about poultry and chicken feed.